Goodreads Question on the Genre of The Mason List

Goodreads Question on the Genre of The Mason List

**Goodreads Question**
“When writing The Mason List, did you worry about not fitting specifically into a certain genre?”

I always planned to write a “romance” book but I wasn’t really aiming for one genre or another. I know that can often be bad for marketing a book. What Genre is The Mason List? Well…it’s a Contemporary, Coming-of-Age Romance that crosses both Young Adult and New Adult with splash of Chick Lit.

I read all sorts of genre’s. I think for me, all of those blend together in my head. I didn’t have one genre in mind when I set out to write the story. I was just telling the story. Alex’s backstory took over a large portion of theme. That wasn’t the intention but it became 50% of the story.

My core concept: I wanted a story that actually showed the characters together as kids. I didn’t want the story to start as adults with a few sentences that indicated they grew up together. I wanted the reader to feel like they grew up with the characters. To me, the story of Jess and Alex only existed because of the adventures they had together as children. It wasn’t always perfect and they didn’t always make the best choices. But they were together and the reader got to experience those twists and turns along the way.

I worried when I released The Mason List that people would have issues with the first half of the book being told from the young kid perspective since I was marketing in the romance section of Amazon that is full of traditional style New Adult books. I say traditional, because there’s certain elements that are typically present in most New Adult books.

However, most people have embraced the book as a whole. They loved the epic style and didn’t have a problem with the page count. There’s been a few who didn’t like the first half – and I’ve had people who loved the first half but not the last half. I think some of the dislike does come from the jump in genres. I also know that everyone does not like the same books. I’m okay with it. I had fun writing The Mason List. And at the end of the day, I know the published story is the one that I wanted to tell for Alex and Jess. I stayed true to my original core concept.

The Mason List EXTRAS!!

The Mason List EXTRAS!!

Looking for a little bit more on The Mason List?

Click on The Mason List EXTRAS! for an indepth Q/A on the story with extra added tibits on that ending and other insights on the characters.

Warning. This link contains SPOILERS!

The Mason List EXTRAS!

The Mason List Reviews

The Mason List Reviews

I will add more as I collect them. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to write reviews.  I pulled a few excerpts from those who have posted on their pages.  I know many of you have spread the word on Facebook and Twitter.  Thank you!


“This book was just breathtaking!! I loved the writing, I felt the story, and the intensity of this childhood friends-to-lovers romance kept my heart racing the whole way through!! Everything about this book – from the writing, to the story, to the emotions it evoked- made it exactly the kind of story I love to read. The delicious, heart wrenching push/pull of Alex and Jess’ friendship and love, the guilt, the longing, the desire, the pain, the healing, all of it was just stunningly portrayed. This is truly one of the most beautiful stories I’ve ever read. An absolutely EPIC love story.”  – Aestas Book Blog

“The angst was so incredibly well written that my heart and stomach were aching throughout much of the novel.  The Mason List is a heavy, heart-wrenching book, but the end left me breathless and full of smiles. I was swept away by the epic romance and storytelling – I highly recommend The Mason List for those who love an unforgettable story.”  Book Lovers for Life

“I loved everything about this book. It’s truly an EPIC love story. It touched my heart. My mind itself is rewinding to the start of the book and go through every word said and falling in love all over again.  This is an heartfelt story that needs to be read. Everyone needs The Mason List in their lives.” – Devoured Words

“The Mason List on the other hand, had me straight-out sobbing. Sobbing multiple times and for many lengths of time each time. Ugly crying while murmuring, ‘No…no…shit.’  This was a extraordinary tale of star-crossed lovers, a childhood romance, a fated lovers story. Look at it any way you want. It took me to places, it made me feel…it’s something I won’t soon forget.” – Book Reader Chronicles

“First off, I’m practically speechless after realizing this was SD Hendrickson’s debut novel.  That said, I could not put it down. Jess Mason and Alex Tanner were some of the most beautifully crafted characters.  This is one novel not to be missed. Phenomenal debut, I’m excited to see what else this author has in store.” – Four Chicks Flipping Pages

“Wonderfully written with purpose, we never lose track of the initial focus. Of where we just KNOW we are going.  Every character is distinguishable, real, “fleshed out” and perfectly believable. They can be awe-inspiring and genuine, self-centered and pouty, to typical-hateful and no-nonsense. Each one will surprise you in their own way. This book delivers on everything it promises in that blurb! Gorgeous and tragic and exhilarating and incredibly inspiring and just soooooo sweet but in a fulfilling way. Not saccharine sweet.” – Maryse’s Book Blog

“This is a book that you should take your time with, cherish and admire.  You should let it fill your heart with compassion.  The Mason List is the definition of an epic story.” We Solemly Swear to Read Good Books

“Wow! Are you looking for a book that is going to give you the next book hangover? Are you looking for an epic love story that is not your typical fairytale? Are you looking for a book that has you blubbering one moment and laughing so hard your stomach hurts the next moment? Are you looking for a book that will keep you captivated from the moment you open the book to the moment you close it? If you are looking for an exceptional book that will make an impression on your soul, read The Mason List by S. D. Hendrickson.  6 Stars!  This book touched my soul. I highly recommend The Mason List.” – Smutt Book Junkie

“There is a perfect balance of angst, humor, heat, heartbreak and every other emotion you can possibly think of. The author did an amazing job of truly portraying all the emotions the characters were feeling at any given moment in their lives.  I love stumbling upon books like this one!  They make me feel like I hit the book lottery.”  – Reality Bites! Let’s Get Lost!

“Wow! If there is anything that cured me from my book slump, it was definitely this book! What a debut from author S.D. Hendrickson which has officially gone on my list of my Top Faves so far of 2015. In a word…simply magical! S.D. Hendrickson has become a must click author for me and I can’t wait to read what she has in store for us next.” Shh Mom’s Reading™

“Every once in a while a book takes you on an amazing, incredible journey; one you won’t easily forget.  It is not just a book…you love the characters, the location, the references and the personal memories it invokes from you.  (The Mason List) is a love story, so pure and written in such a unique way it will leave you with an epic book hangover. Thank you, S.D. Hendrickson for writing our number one book of 2015 so far. You are officially at the top!” Romance Rewind 

Nine Questions

Nine Questions

I had to complete an author form on something that I was submitting today.  I thought I would share the questions.



  1. Can you tell us a little about your book?

The Mason List is what I call an epic, coming-of-age, story that crosses the genre’s of young adult, new adult and chick-lit. It follows the life of Alex Tanner from age six to twenty-six. The book has an outline of present day time, which indicates something tragic has happened to the main character. The main portion of the story is told in flashbacks.

Jess and Alex meet when they are eight because of the circumstances in her life. I wanted to show the closeness that can develop between two people as kids.  It’s a sweet and funny at times. It’s sad and angsty at others. Jess and Alex fight and pick at each because they know each other so well. It’s endearing and a little different than the typical story.

I view this as a story of life, love and friendship. And with all three of those, it’s not always an easy road. In the life of Alex, there’s a certain amount of baggage and hate that she carries with her and it causes the obstacles in her relationship with Jess. Here’s the synopsis.

2. What led you to start writing?

I have always loved reading. Growing up, I was the girl with the book glued to her hand. I wrote some short stories as a kid. My first was The Bunnies of Easter Island written in pencil on notebook paper. When I was older, I wrote a few others but ripped them up. I still have the bunny story.

When I was in college, I was working toward a zoology degree but switched to journalism. I have always wanted to write a novel. It’s been on my bucket list. When I learned of NanoWrimo, it gave me the platform and the kick in the pants to get started.

I also love to research the story behind books, or even just the creative process people use when developing stories. One of the driving factors behind some of my favorite TV shows is the creative process – like Lost and Sons of Anarchy. When I finished The Fault in Our Stars, I spent two hours on John Green’s website, reading his creative drive behind the book. That was as fascinating to me as the actual story.

3. How long did it take you to write your book?

Since I participated in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I completed a 50,000 word rough draft in thirty days. However, that was more or less, a very rough outline. I spent the next two years turning that into The Mason List. The following ten months consisted of working with an editor and beta readers to create what is currently being released. From start to finish, this novel was a three year project.

4. Can you tell us a little about your writing process?

Headphones. I need headphones on with very loud music, which blocks out the world around me so I can immerse myself into the one I’m creating on paper. I also do a lot of writing at Panera Bread in a red chair. My husband wanted to buy that chair as a present for my book release. I think they should give it to me, based on the amount caramel lattes I purchased.

5. What do you hope people take away from your book?

First – if you want to write a novel, just do it. Use NaNoWriMo as a platform to get started (if you need one.) Don’t be afraid to put your ideas on paper. If there’s a story brewing in your head, go with it.

Second – I like stories that make me feel something. Hopefully by the time the reader reaches the epilogue, the story of Jess and Alex will invoke some emotional connection with them.

Third – There’s a meaning to the actual Mason List. I don’t want to tell this meaning because it would be a spoiler. Hopefully, it might inspire a few people.
6. What do you do when you are not writing?

I have a day job where I teach computer software classes. I’m a geological software advisor to oil and gas companies. For the last three years, my side activity has been writing The Mason List and beginning my second book, Red Dirt Claws.

Other than that, I enjoy reading and I have two dogs, who think I should play with them every second that I’m home.  I also enjoy cooking and Netflix binge watching. I love concerts.

7. What is your biggest book pet peeve?

When I say this, keep in mind I do read all genres. Sometimes I feel there’s words used to describe things in more adult book that are not that sexy, but are used in a sexy way. I’m not going to put it here, but there’s a word I hate to see in a book.

8. What is your favorite love story – book or movie?

I don’t have a favorite, but if I had to pick I would say the cheesy answer of The Notebook.  I was the girl who always had a book in her hand. I read anything I could find as a kid and couldn’t wait for the book fair to come to school. I read all the Sequoyah books one year just to say I did it. As I got into high school, I was addicted to Danielle Steele. I read The Vampire Diaries when it was first published (I think that was around 1994) and at the same time, one of my favorite books was The Thornbirds. I also read Gone with the Wind and have a big fetish for historical romance – anything by Lisa Kleypas, Mary Jo Putney and Mary Balogh.

These days, I read a variety of genres – self-published, indie, main stream, best sellers, Romance, New Adult, Young Adult, Dystopian, Historical Romance, Semi-Paranormal, Classics, Contemporary Romance. I was a Twilight fan. I discovered Nicholas Sparks before he was NICHOLAS SPARKS. I say that in all caps because he’s no longer just a writer. I still read his books and even have a signed copy. I have a Kindle full of indie books. I found Colleen Hoover back in the day when she first self-published. I love Tracey Garvis-Graves and Fisher Amelie – can’t wait for the rest of the Seven Deadly Series – and Jamie McGuire, Jessica Sorensen and Tammara Webber. I was blown away by the Hunger Games books and felt equally enthusiastic about John Green. I loved The Sea of Tranquility. I read Fifty Shades around the same time that I also read The One and Only Ivan, which made me cry. I also really like Maggie Stiefvater’s writing style. I love The Night Circus and Water for Elephants – both of which are associated with NaNoWriMo. Sometimes I even read John Grisham and I was a huge fan of Gone Girl. I also consider The Great Gatsby and the Secret Life of Walter Mitty as favorites. So catch me on any given day or mood, I might be reading just about anything.

9. Tell us three random facts?

I hate raisins.

I broke my hand in a dog suit.

I got married on a beach in Mexico.