
Stacy Full Photo

Stacy Hendrickson (SD Hendrickson) grew up in a small southern Oklahoma town on a dairy farm. She graduated from Oklahoma State University in Stillwater with a Bachelors of Science degree in Journalism and Public Relations. This is after she came just shy of a second degree in Zoology.

After college, she pursued a career in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the field of special event management and marketing that included writing and designing promotional materials. Currently, her days are spent teaching computer software to oil and gas companies as well as writing technical instructional manuals.

However, she always wanted to write an actual novel. After many years of career writing non-fiction, she entered National Novel Writing Month (NANOWRIMO) and went on a mad dash in the world of fiction to complete 50,000 words in just thirty days. This was just the beginning for The Mason List and her journey to becoming an author.

Stacy Hendrickson currently lives in Tulsa with her husband and their two schnauzers. She loves chocolate, romance books, Oklahoma State Cowboys, music, Lost, chocolate, beaches, coffee, cooking, beautiful sunsets, Friends, chocolate, sad puppy stories, dreaming of Australia, guacamole, quotes, Netflixs bing watching, Dawson’s Creek, chocolate, hot tubs, exotic animal rescues, going on vacation, Friday Night Lights, writing, and of course, chocolate.

Photo by Andrew Lam Photography